Guidelines for Paper Submission

Please read these guidelines carefully and prepare your paper accordingly.

Deadline: May 12, 2025


All papers must be in English, and submitted in PDF format through this web page.

Please comply with the following guidelines. In certain cases, non-compliance may lead to paper rejection, exclusion from publication, and/or corrective actions.


  • The paper must discuss only new and previously unpublished results.

  • The paper must be formatted according to the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings, have a minimum of four pages, and must not exceed 6 pages, including figures and references.

  • The paper must address at least one category specified in the Call for Papers.

  • SOCC conducts a double-blind peer review process. In submitting your manuscript for the review process, you must leave the author and affiliation section in the manuscript blank. Also, you must remove any information in the manuscript that refers to the author identity or affiliation (such as acknowledgements). Submissions not respecting the blind review requirements will be rejected.

  • SOCC conducts a plagiarism check on all submitted papers. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism applies to all previously published work, irrespective of whether the other publication is inside or outside of IEEE.

  • Multiple submissions of the same paper or a paper with substantial overlap is not allowed. If the authors alert the program chair that a submitted paper is under review elsewhere (with either an IEEE or non-IEEE publication), they will be asked to withdraw other versions from consideration or withdraw the SOCC paper. If the program chair is not alerted, a duplicate submission will be considered self-plagiarism and will be immediately rejected. Duplicate submissions without citing an author’s previous work are subject to sanctions by CASS and by IEEE that may lead to exclusion from submitting new manuscripts to IEEE publications for the period of one year.

  • All forms of author misconduct are unacceptable and may be subject to corrective actions by the IEEE and its entities. For more information on plagiarism and multiple submissions, please refer to the Policy and Procedures of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and the IEEE plagiarism handling guidelines.

  • Each accepted paper is required to have at least one "Full Conference" (non-student, member or non-member) registration paid by July 14, 2025, from one of the authors. Student or IEEE life member registrations will not be counted towards this requirement. For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 2 papers.


All papers that are accepted must be presented at the conference, either by the authors themselves, or via a proxy capable of answering questions regarding the presented work. For Poster presenters, physical presence is required throughout the poster session. In case a paper (oral or poster) is not presented at the conference, it shall be deemed a “no-show.” No-shows will be removed from post-conference distribution and will not be available on IEEE Xplore® or other public-access IEEE forums.


In order to achieve the same appearance for all manuscripts, SOCC requires the usage of the IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings, available in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format. Please do only use the US Letter size templates. A4 size will not be accepted by the system.


A pdf file should be prepared using the following guidelines:

  • Do not set any file security on any files.

  • Do not use other fonts than the ones used in the template. However, if it should become necessary for any reason to use any other font, avoid the usage of non-English fonts, especially Asian fonts.

  • ALL fonts must be accurately included in the PDF file as an "Embedded Subset."

Supporting Your Open Access Publishing Needs

Consistent with the IEEE publishing policy, authors may post their final, accepted paper to their own, their employer’s or their funding agencies’ publically accessible repository for the purpose of meeting public availability requirements prescribed by their funding agencies.

Before submitting manuscripts to conferences, authors are encouraged to learn the specific requirements of their funding agencies, including whether self‐posting is acceptable.

Details of the IEEE Author Posting policy may be found at:
Authors with questions about IEEE policy may e‐mail


Please submit your paper exclusively via the EDAS Conference and Journal Management System using this submission link:

Papers sent by email will not be accepted.